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Our winner of the Kathleen Hickey Teaching Scholarship – Melissa Whitley!

To mark the 50th anniversary of Dyslexia Action, we were delighted to announce the launch of the Kathleen Hickey Teaching Scholarship.

Named after one of our founders, the Kathleen Teaching Hickey Scholarship was created to offer one place on our Level 5 Diploma in Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties. The Level 5 Diploma trains teachers, teaching assistants and support tutors to become qualified specialist teachers or practitioners. This allows them to make a difference in the lives of learners with dyslexia and other SpLDs. We were absolutely delighted to receive numerous applications. Thank you to everyone that applied, after a long decision-making process, the scholarship was awarded to Melissa Whitley! 


Melissa Whitley has taught children with literacy difficulties for many years. We caught up with Melissa to find out more about what winning the Kathleen Hickey Teaching Scholarship meant to her!

What made you interested in applying for the scholarship?

I have taught children with literacy difficulties for many years. I’m very lucky, it’s a wonderful way to spend my day. Over the years I’ve found myself becoming fascinated with how  children learn to read and why some seem to grasp it effortlessly while others struggle. Teaching a systematic phonic scheme is effective for the majority of children I teach, but for others I sometimes question whether I’ve done enough and whether a different approach would have suited them better.

While researching literacy problems, it became apparent that there is a lack of specialist training for teachers within schools and frustrated parents were at a loss with how to help their children. With this in mind I‘ve been determined to find out more. It really saddens me to hear about adults who have struggled through school, not realising that their problems were due to dyslexia and probably could have been helped with a better understanding of how to teach them.

As for funding a Level 5 Course is out of my reach at the minute, I have only been able to complete some basic training. When I discovered there was the possibility of a Scholarship I jumped at the chance, my fingers have never moved so fast across a keyboard.

How did you find the Application process?

For me, the application took little effort, it’s very easy to write about something you feel so passionate about. So then I waited, with everything crossed, I’d no idea whether I was even in with a chance.

How did it feel to win the Kathleen Hickey Teaching Scholarship?

When the email came through from Anna Smith I just couldn’t believe it! I was over the moon and had a little dance round the kitchen.

What are you looking forward to about the course?

I’m so thankful to be given this opportunity. I’m hoping that by completing this course I can help children fulfil their potential, improve their life chances and ultimately their happiness.

Thank you, Melissa, we wish you luck and every success on the course!

Black Friday 2022

Our Black Friday Sale is now live!

Are you planning to book CPD for the New Year?

We are excited to share our limited time discount when you book a CPD course for our 18 January 2023 cohort.

You will save £10+VAT per course, but be quick! Offer ends Sunday 11 December ay 11.59pm*.
Discount is automatically applied at registration, so no code is required.

Click below to find out more:

Which Courses Are Eligible For The Discount?

How Do I Book?


This offer has now come to an end

Applications are now open for the Kathleen Hickey Teaching Scholarship!


To mark the 50th anniversary of Dyslexia Action, we are delighted to announce the launch of the Kathleen Hickey Teaching Scholarship. We are passionate about providing training for teachers, teaching assistants and tutors. We would like to reach out to individuals who have financial limitations, but who also feel that with this specialist training, they might become exceptional educational providers in their own settings.



Kathleen Hickey was Dyslexia Action’s first Director of Studies in 1972, and her multisensory language programme has provided an essential building block for what is now the esteemed Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP), a key component of our Level 5 Diploma in Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties (DIST).

We are looking for applicants who…

• Demonstrate a passion for those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) dyslexia and literacy
• Are able to explain how the scholarship funding will impact yourself and others
• Meet the course entry requirements

The deadline for applications was 15 November 2022. Applications are now closed.


Tes SEND Show 2022

We are very excited to be exhibiting at the Tes SEND Show this week! This is the UK’s leading SEND show, and an annual must-see!

Come and visit us on 7-8 October, at Stand 135. We have resources, goodies, information and more!


Register here today for this free event!

Theresa Gillbard FDG – Interview

Theresa Gillbard is a Fellow of the Dyslexia Guild. With many years working in teacher and student training, Theresa has a long history with Dyslexia Action, and she was keen to share her thoughts about the celebration of 50 years.

“Over the years, DA has afforded a transformation of the term ‘Dyslexia’, from being considered a ‘stigma’ to a meaningful and now recognised, unique, neuro-diverse talent. Albeit frequently presenting challenges, the recognition of strengths far out ways the demeanours of weaknesses.”

Tess Gillbard FDG 

We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dyslexia Action this year, and would like to explore the relationship you have with the organisation.  Can we ask what you see as your relationship with us?  

My relationship with Dyslexia Action is multifaceted. Having qualified in 1988, these 34 intervening years have really enabled me to create a feeling of self-belief in my own dyslexia. It has also generated confidence to pursue the strengths that I now realise I have and can pass on to others through new learning skills as well as strategies. There is a vital diversity in learning that is necessary for all dyslexic people whatever the age. Fifty years has really enabled a great deal of development, not just on the research side, but also from a personal point of view, it has given me the opportunity to pass on to others whether they be children or adults, providing a greater opportunity for future lives.

What is it about Dyslexia Action that makes you value us? 

Dyslexia Action for me have always worked as a team .They have always wanted to develop greater knowledge. I have been fortunate in being appointed several times to new projects, one of which I clearly remember as being very exciting for me is the being involved in promoting ‘Dyslexia-friendly’ schools at the Bath Dyslexia Institute, as well as being involved in the teacher training aspect. I was selected to work on the achievability project, which was a new government initiative to provide funding for students with disabilities and for those who had never had the opportunity to go to university. I was part of a small group where we presented to identified dyslexic undergraduates, and trained them to become student ambassadors. These student ambassadors would go into schools to talk and encourage sixth formers to consider the opportunity of going to university. Later down the line, I was particularly thrilled to meet part of my team of University of Bristol undergrads who I recognised as tutoring at the Dyslexia Institute when they were younger!

Thereafter, I was offered the position of principal in Bristol, but took on principal designate as I had personal matters which meant that I needed to take on a lesser role. Through the Dyslexia Institute I was then appointed to a brand new role, which was never considered before, which was to be the first dyslexia study skills support tutor, at Bath Spa University. It was with the assistance of the Dyslexia Institute that I was appointed. It’s carried me through to tutoring at a number of universities, Bath, Bristol, Gloucester…and during that time I became an assessor again through using my APC with the support of Dyslexia Action. Dyslexia Action was very helpful in terms of providing background information when I was privileged to carry out the role of the dyslexia advocate at a court hearing. So, historically Dyslexia Action has provided a wide variety of extensions of the term ‘dyslexia’ for me. I seemed to have moved during that 50 years through a whole realm of opportunities which in no way would I have been afforded had I not carried out my training with Dyslexia Action.

What would you say were the strengths of our courses?  

I mentioned teamwork before, when I’ve attended a course, even the upgrade of my APC. As a dyslexic it has engendered confidence and belief for my own specific strengths to develop those new skills. I think when you’re working with like-minded people, some of whom may be dyslexic, others not. Our main goal is to address the needs and identify the specific skills, strengths and weaknesses of the students with whom we are working with and supporting. It is hugely essential that Dyslexia Action carries this forward and continues to build that team notion, so that it is more of everyone working together which I feel is a huge value of being a part of Dyslexia Action. 

Which of the Dyslexia Guild benefits do you think makes us stand out from other membership bodies? 

I’m very aware that when when you’re attending a conference, for example. The involvement of academics who cover a wide area of learning strategies is very important, but I think that’s what Dyslexia Action does is build that unification to a degree that makes one feel that you have grasped all aspects to make it a whole. One would like to think based on previous conferences that you come away with a whole picture. Each person is contributing to that jigsaw and you come away with a far clearer picture of the intentions of those people and how we can plant that new learning into the work whereby we are supporting the children and adults.

What would you like to say about Dyslexia Action and our 50-year history?

In terms of the history of dyslexia, it has taken some time for schools and headteachers to allow the children to come out of school to attend the Dyslexia Institute because they didn’t necessarily believe or understand dyslexia. The stigmatisation was hard to overcome, there have been court cases, where fortunately parents have won their case, but it’s very sad that they had to take that route in the first place. In wanting support, it was a battle of trying to encourage the teachers to understand that the child is fine, they are very bright, they just learn slightly differently. In many ways, stigmatisation was far greater back then, but I think what’s happened is that through Dyslexia Action, people have been brought to the forefront such as Albert Einstein, Kara Tointon or Richard Branson, people who are extremely smart and successful, with a diagnosis of dyslexia. Dyslexia Action more than anyone has actually helped promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the diversity that dyslexic people provide and can influence other people. And that’s why I mentioned social pedagogy, because I do believe that there are areas where children aren’t able to receive that support. I have been a tutor on the masters course at Bath Spa training teachers to be dyslexia qualified teachers, so it has come full circle. I just hope that we can just respect and and love each other’s uniqueness and diversity in a way that the 50 years of Dyslexia Action has done through understanding, empathy and promotion.

Would you recommend others to book courses with Dyslexia Action or to join The Dyslexia Guild?

I recommend Dyslexia Action and I wholeheartedly do and have done. I also feel that the constant research that’s being carried out is great because it is continually evolving, and the more we can involve ourselves in sharing those new findings and new ideas, the more we can support all of our dyslexics, but primarily starting with the younger ones. One of my aims, which I constantly comment on if I’m working with a child in a school or even independently –  we need to support the government to help implement changes in the national curriculum. I think nothing’s been more proven than during the COVID situation where some of our dyslexic children have been able to recreate their own talents and uniqueness at home. Social pedagogy is hugely important, and I am excited to see the development of future programmes.

Is there anything we could do better or developments you would like to see for the future?

In terms of helping to implement changes in the national curriculum, that to me is the main focus, to create a better balance for our children’s learning. I am still tutoring children and it is sadly quite common still that there are those that are not being recognised. I think diversity is becoming far more accepted, but the issues in relation to dyslexia are sometimes hidden because many of our children are very bright children and so already by age 7 they’re creating their own strategies in order to manage their learning. But the support for these children is lacking, there needs to be a continuation of training in more diverse areas.

Sarah Matthews MDG – Interview

Sarah Matthews (MDG) is a member of the Dyslexia Guild, and has been since 2016. Sarah is a Specialist Teacher Assessor with a Dyslexia Action Professional Certificate in Assessment Practice for Dyslexia and Literacy. As we are celebrating 50 years of Dyslexia Action, we wanted to interview Sarah about our organisation and our courses.

We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dyslexia Action this year, and would like to explore the relationship you have with the organisation. Can we ask what you see as your relationship with us?  

I’ve been a member since I studied for my Level 7 specialist teaching through Dyslexia Action. I think I got a discount when the course ended and I became a specialist teacher. I thought it would be useful to also be a member of the Dyslexia Guild too. It is a great benefit to be able to borrow resources from the library to access the forums, so it was great just to have an organisation behind me supporting me and my career when I embarked on my Level 7 assessor course. The library enables you to borrow the assessments for free. So it’s just been really useful. I work supporting university students with their studies as a tutor. I wouldn’t have the job without being a member!

What is it about Dyslexia Action that makes you value us? 

I’ve studied with Dyslexia Action, and I haven’t used anybody else. I am familiar with it. It is professional and organised. The people who work within Dyslexia Action get back to me really quickly and they seem friendly and approachable. It is a well-recognised organisation and it just suits me brilliantly.

What would you say are the strengths of our courses?  

There are many strengths of the courses. Moodle is great – this is where you go to access all the information. They are really good at not overwhelming you to start with, they will release aspects at certain times. Embarking on a Level 7 course was at first quite daunting, but they supported me throughout the whole thing by not overwhelming me. Releasing content when we were ready and also going through sections together. There were deadlines and a manual for each course, tutors were friendly and approachable. It’s really valuable. 

Which of the Dyslexia Guild benefits do you think makes us stand out from other membership bodies? 

I have not even looked to other membership bodies because they haven’t been needed. Dyslexia Action therefore gives you everything. I think I would get a bit too confused and overwhelmed if I was a member of lots of different organisations, especially if I’m already working in a school. I just wanted to keep it simple, so that you can go to one place for everything – and the Dyslexia Guild serves that purpose. With the history of 50 years, there is clearly a lot of history backing this up as well. It is a well-rounded company and I’ve learnt a lot about dyslexia.

What would you like to say about Dyslexia Action and our 50-year history?

Dyslexia Action has grown from strength to strength. I think it is great, it just needs to build on its greatness. It’s important to support people that have dyslexia. And we need to know where to go for professional help as we don’t always know everything. It is comforting to know there are organisations that piece it all together. We also need reliable and up to date information, and I think Dyslexia Action provides that.

Would you recommend others to book courses with Dyslexia Action or to join The Dyslexia Guild?

Yes, I have friends of mine who are colleagues, and they have undertaken courses with Dyslexia Action. I was supposed to do a course for each sector, but didn’t end up needing to as my colleague had already done one. And then my two other colleagues who were with another organisation to do their level 5, then decided to do their level 7 assessor course with Dyslexia Action as they said the difference was amazing. It was so professional. The process of APC renewal is way more straightforward. They value what you’ve done and the process is quicker. I would definitely recommend it 100%.

Is there anything we could do better or developments you would like to see for the future?

You have to read through lots of different forums. It would be nice to look up keywords for example, and then the information could come up specifically for what you’re looking at. Sometimes with limited time and deadlines, it’s good to be able to quickly access what you need. 


Special summer CPD offer for courses starting on 13 July 2022, book now to secure your place and discount

CPD Short Courses for teaching professionals at all levels

We have a special CPD summer offer on a selection of short courses starting 13 July 2022. These online courses are suitable for qualified classroom teachers, teaching/learning assistants, study skills tutors and those working overseas. The courses are delivered entirely online and do not require access to a student or learner, so would be perfect to complete over the summer break.

Our courses focus on nurturing the development of learners within the classroom/learning environment both with and without specific learning difficulties. Tutor support is given throughout the duration of the course.

Structured CPD gives employees a clear path to success within their current role and progression to future ones. Employees in regulated industries (e.g., healthcare, education, assessment) can lose their licence to practice if they don’t maintain their CPD.

Usual cost per unit £295 + VAT
Special offer cost per unit £285 + VAT – July 2022 start date only.

Nurture the development of school learners with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties (SpLDs)

CPD suitable for Primary/Secondary include:

Dyslexia and Co-occurring Difficulties
Dyslexia: Supporting Individuals with Memory Weaknesses
Structured, Cumulative Multisensory Tuition for Learners with Dyslexia
Developing Reading Skills in Learners with Dyslexia
Developing Writing Skills in Learners with Dyslexia
Developing Spelling Skills in Learners with Dyslexia*
Developing Numeracy Skills in Learners with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia (DACPD99)

*Swap out this spelling unit for Dyslexia in Multilingual Settings if you are working overseas

CPD suitable for those Supporting Adults and working in Study Skills in FE/HE include:

Supporting Adults with Dyslexia and Co-occurring Difficulties
Supporting Study Skills in Adults with Dyslexia
Developing Literacy Skills with Assistive Technology
Supporting Individuals with Memory Weaknesses
Developing Writing Skills in Adults with Dyslexia
Dyslexia in Multilingual Settings

Building relationships dyslexia and beyond
The Emotionally Connected Classroom CPD Short Course

The Emotionally Connected Classroom Level 5 online course introduces how relationships and connections can be developed in a classroom environment to help support pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

By completing this short seven-week course (30 hours study), you will be able to understand how emotions can be influenced by the thinking brain and the consequences learning can have in the classroom.

On completion of the course, you will be able to:

Understand the impact of stress and trauma on the brain
Discuss pupils’ emotions and the impact this can have on their behaviour
Identify ideas for developing relational based practice in your provision
Apply strategies to build pupils resources and resilience to manage their emotions
Promote a positive message around well-being and mental health, including how relationships and connections can be developed in a classroom environment to help support pupils with special education needs.
Support teaching assistant roles, as well as teachers, SENCOs, and other SEND professionals implement effective interventions strategies for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs in classroom settings.

How are the courses delivered?

  • The courses are delivered online which offers you the flexibility to organise your time to fit around your professional and personal commitments. It also saves you the time and expense of travel and classroom attendance
  • Each unit course requires between 20-30 hours of study over a seven-week period
  • There are set start and assignment submission dates but there is no ‘live’ delivery which requires you to be online at certain times
  • You will not require a student to work with for these unit courses

Am I eligible?

To qualify to study you should have two-three years relevant and recent experience (within the last 2-3 years) and be employed to work with primary, secondary, or adult learners in the UK or overseas.

CPD Standards Office Accreditation

Dyslexia Action has been successfully accredited as an online CPD provider by World-Leading CPD Accreditation organisation – The CPD Standards Office, and has received formal, independent CPD accreditation for its online short course units. Upon successful completion you will be issued with a Dyslexia Action Certificate. This certificate can subsequently be used within a formal CPD record for a professional body or employer.

Find out more about CPD and the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) here

How to register for the offer

Please follow these simple steps:

1. Choose your CPD unit*. A description and further information of qualifying* courses can be found here
2.To quick book a course, go to our book now page
3. Select the name and the date of the CPD unit you wish to study e.g., 13 July – the discount for July will be applied automatically on the registration form.

*Please note: the discount does not apply to the APC online short course (DAAPCONL)

Find out more about online courses and qualifications

You can contact us via email or call us on +44 (0)1784 222 304 to discuss any of our online training courses. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential training for colleagues, please do get in touch.

The 50th Anniversary of Dyslexia Action!

Dyslexia Action is 50 years old!

This year, we aAnniversary Dyslexia Actionre celebrating 50 years of Dyslexia Action! The birth of Dyslexia Action is very much bound up with many notable events and people who were drivers for change in both the medical and educational arenas. 

The Dyslexia Institute was founded by Wendy Fisher in 1972. Wendy and Kathleen Hickey (who at the time was appointed Director of Studies), set up the first Dyslexia Institute, developing a multisensory teaching method for children with dyslexia and literacy difficulties. Centres opened across the country in the 1970s, each offering assessment, training for teachers and twice weekly lessons for pupils with dyslexia.

The Dyslexia Guild was established in the spring of 1994. The Guild grew out of an alumni association of Dyslexia Institute Literacy Programme (DILP) specialist teachers, but soon was open to all with an interest in dyslexia. The Dyslexia Guild still runs today with a large network of members, aiming to promote discussion, information and research as well as keep members informed of developments in the field through publication and distribution.

In 2006, the Dyslexia Institute became Dyslexia Action to reflect the merger with the Hornsby International Dyslexia Centre and to encompass the purposeful and proactive nature of the organisations. Multisensory teaching and the Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP), updated in 2012, still form the cornerstone of qualification courses that Dyslexia Action offers for specialist teachers today. Dyslexia Action Training has now trained a multitude of teachers to become qualified specialists. Here’s to continued success working together with teachers and schools, supporting them to help improve the lives of children with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties.

In 2017, Dyslexia Action Training became part of Real Group Ltd. We will be celebrating this milestone birthday within Real Group and across our sister companies, so keep an eye out for news across the year! If you are a Dyslexia Guild member, keep an eye out for the latest edition of the Dyslexia Review due towards the end of April, which will give an in-depth historical overview of Dyslexia Action over the years. Reflecting on the 50 year history of the company, we are in awe of the hard work and dedication of all the staff and supporters, also our amazing network of hardworking tutors and course delegates.

The Dyslexia Guild Annual Summer Conference – 8 July 2022


Summer Conference - 8 July 2022

The Dyslexia Guild Annual Summer Guild Conference will be held on Friday 8 July 2022 at the University of Bath. The Dyslexia Guild membership body, welcomes all those with a professional interest in dyslexia and SpLDs, including specialist teachers and assessors, psychologists, learning support tutors and assistants. Guild members enjoy a preferential rate and we welcome new members to our community from all settings. 

The conference provides, as always, a great opportunity to meet and network with dyslexia/SpLD specialists, it enables practitioners to hear expert views and examine current topical issues relating to literacy and dyslexia/SpLD in a warm and vibrant conference setting. 

What can I expect?

You can expect a warm welcome from our friendly Dyslexia Guild and Dyslexia Action teams, meet researchers and other professionals working in the sector, browse our Dyslexia Action Shop and a selection of other exhibitors, and enjoy a networking lunch. Why not benefit from taking time out of your daily schedule to learn, debate and reflect on cutting-edge practice. An attendance certificate will be provided for your CPD portfolio. View our brochure to give you an idea of what to expect from the day.


Confirmed speakers are Dr Valerie Muter, Dr Catherine Manning, Professor Kiki Messiou, Professor Chris Budd OBE. Topics include playful maths, mental wellbeing, literacy difficulties, inclusion, and autism. 

Select your preferred option for attendance

Thursday 7 July and Friday 8 July
Includes evening (networking) two-course buffet dinner, small double ensuite accommodation Thursday evening (Woodlands Court), breakfast, conference, lunch and refreshments Friday.

  • Guild Members £165+VAT (£198 inc. VAT)
    Non-Guild Members £195+VAT (£234 inc. VAT)

Friday 8 July – Day Delegate
Includes Friday Conference only, refreshments and lunch.

  • Guild Members   £95+VAT (£114 inc. VAT)
  • Non-Guild Members £145+VAT (£174 inc. VAT) 

Not yet a member of the Dyslexia Guild? Join now to attend at the member rate.

Full details can be found here

Please note: if you are joining the Guild to receive the members’ conference rate you must join and have confirmation of your membership BEFORE you register for the annual summer conference, the discount cannot be applied in retrospect.

For a detailed brochure and to book your place click here

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teaching professionals for courses starting 16 March and 11 May

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Recent evidence shared in a January 2022 report by Pro Bono Economics showed that providing continuing professional development (CPD) is key to improving teachers retention. The data suggest improved CPD could result in a 2% rise in the retention rate, equivalent to around 12,000 teachers per year before 2024.

For fifty years, Dyslexia Action Training has helped educators including teaching assistants, SENCOs, instructors, tutors, lecturers and learning support staff by implementing short CPD Units, Awards and Certificates. Our online courses have broadened the educational support professionals require to be better prepared to face the challenges of supporting students with dyslexia and SpLDs in today’s education system.

Dyslexia Action’s Level 4 and 5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme. 

Through a range of Level 4 and 5 CPD short courses, education support professionals can hone their skills and knowledge to be better prepared to face the challenges of supporting students with dyslexia and SpLDs. 

The CPD Programme we offer is quality-assured by The CPD Standards Office is made up of independent short online courses, referred to as Units. These Units can be studied independently or built up over time to gain either an Award (three Units) or a Certificate (two Awards/six CPD Units). This flexible programme offers the opportunity to choose from a range of study options:

  • Units – Enhance your skills in a particular area with just one Level 4 or 5 Unit
  • Awards – Combine three Units to achieve an Award
  • Certificates – Combine two Awards (six Units) to achieve a Certificate
  • Diploma – Study one of our CPD Pathway Certificates or The Level 5 Award in Focal Points for Literacy, alongside The Level 5 Certificate in Strategic Teaching Support for Dyslexia and Literacy to achieve The Level 5 Diploma in Strategic Teaching Support for Dyslexia and Literacy (DADIP61).

Unique benefits of studying with Dyslexia Action

We are an established online specialist education training provider. Studying online CPD courses with us means teaching professionals can fit online learning around personal and professional commitments. Other benefits will help our students to

  • Add real value to your educational setting, bringing new skills and abilities to create the optimum outcomes for students in your care
  • Develop practical competence and personal confidence in your strategies in working with students with literacy challenges learn whilst you study, with our practice-led approach helping embed your new theoretical knowledge in your real-world circumstances.
  • Expert tutor support and access to forums online to provide guidance and allow participants to share best practices with peers

Our Level 4 and 5 CPD programme is CPD Standards Office approved, and you will receive a certificate from Dyslexia Action upon completion.

Start a CPD Unit or an Award at a time that suits you!

Level 4 and 5 CPD short courses for teaching professionals at all levels run six times a year with start dates in September, November, January, March, May and July. Our next available for 2021/2022 are:

  • 16 March 2022
  • 11 May 2022

If you want to apply for any of the above courses, please go to our Make a booking page.

Please note: it takes time to process your application and payment. We recommend registering as soon as possible so you do not miss our next intake. 

Booking options 

  • Learn more about one particular area of dyslexia by studying one CPD Unit. The cost of a single Unit is £285 + VAT
  • Study three CPD Units to gain an Award* for £855 + VAT

When you book an Award, you will study the first Unit on the Award start date, then the second and third Units will follow in date succession. You will have to complete the three individual Units within one year.

 Get in touch to learn more about our CPD courses and qualifications.

You can contact us via email or call us on +44 (0)1784 222 304 to discuss any of our online training courses. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential training for colleagues, please do get in touch.