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Level 7 (Postgraduate) Certificate: Specialist Teaching for Maths-Related Difficulties

This new Level 7 Certificate can be studied as a stand-alone Postgraduate Certificate (60 masters credits) or combined with modules offered by our sister company Real Training to achieve a Postgraduate Diploma or Master of Education on the SEND & Inclusion or the Inclusive Educational Leadership programme.

The Certificate was developed and is delivered and assessed by Dyslexia Action, awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University. The courses are modular and flexible and are undertaken part-time, through our virtual learning platform Campus Online. Access is available 24/7, from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. The Certificate is suitable for those working with primary or secondary age groups, or for those supporting adults.

About this Postgraduate Certificate

The Certificate enables delegates to develop critical thinking skills, reflective practice and disciplined enquiry through study of the theory and practice associated with the teaching and non-standardised appraisal of learners with Maths-Related difficulties.

In order to achieve the Certificate, you will have to complete the following modules:

Please note: 

  • Module 1 can be studied as a single 30-credit module, part of this Postgraduate Certificate, or part of the SEND and Inclusion Programme, or Inclusive Educational Leadership programme.
  • Module two includes practical activities during which you will require access to a learner in your setting.
    For this reason, we recommend the following study schedules:
   Mathematical Understanding and   Teaching Methods  Maths Teaching and Dynamic   Assessment
 PGCert study option 1  Start 15 January  Start 15 September
 PGCert study option 2  Start 15 May  Start 15 Jan
 PGCert study option 3  Start 15 September  Start 15 September
 (the following year)

Why Choose This Certificate

Delegates completing this Certificate will have knowledge and understanding of:

  • A range of research perspectives and factors that can affect numeracy acquisition and cognitive processing.
  • The theoretical underpinnings of structured, sequential, cumulative, multisensory tuition for maths-related difficulties.

And the skills to:

  • Competently conduct an assessment process to analyse mathematical skills using a bespoke set of non-standardised methods.
  • Adaptively plan, prepare and deliver a teaching intervention that effectively addresses the individual study requirements of a learner with maths-related difficulties using structured, cumulative multisensory methods.
  • Critically reflect on observations and experiences of professional practice and make links with theories and research relevant to maths-related difficulties.

Content Overview

DAPP22-01 Mathematical Understanding and Teaching Methods – Underpinning Theory

  • The characteristics of a good mathematician – the core skills, habits of mind and how these contribute to mathematical competence.
  • Typical and atypical development of maths skills – factors affecting development.
  • Approaches to teaching maths and conceptualising mathematical understanding (e.g., relational versus instrumental understanding).
  • Evaluating maths teaching methods.
  • Cognitive processes involved in mathematical. reasoning/understanding.
  • Numeracy versus mathematical understanding.
  • Appraising resources – what makes a resource effective?
  • Affective issues in maths learning.

DAPP02-02 Maths Teaching and Dynamic Assessment

  • Selected readings on mathematical development (including dyscalculia) and teaching strategies.
  • Placement process – individualising the maths learning process for learners with different requirements.
  • Exploration of oracy initiatives in schools and how some of the methods and tools (e.g., oracy benchmark resources) can be applied to enhance maths teaching and learning.
  • Interactive review and reflection on lesson plans and lesson evaluations including self-evaluation of own practice (using video recordings).
  • Non-standardised assessment methods and their usefulness when appraising maths skills
  • Working within a set assessment report format.
  • Using reflective models and structured self-evaluation materials to improve professional performance.
  • Development of professional skills and responsibilities.

For further information including eligibility and how to apply please visit the individual modules pages on the Real Training website.


This Postgraduate Certificate and the modules within are awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University. 

If you are interested in any of the accreditations/membership levels below you may need further training in addition to this Certificate in Maths – please contact The Dyslexia Guild at guild@dyslexiaaction.org.uk for further information.

  • Associate (ADG) or Member (MDG) membership with The Dyslexia Guild you will need literacy/SpLD qualifications at Level 5 or 7
  • Literacy qualifications are required to apply for an APC

Maths Difficulties: Understanding Where the Problem Lies

Between 3-7% of children are thought to have maths difficulties, including dyscalculia. As we learn more about how and why these problems arise – could the way we are teaching maths at both primary and secondary levels be an exacerbating factor?

In this blog we take a look at the latest research behind the genetic, psychological and social drivers behind maths difficulties, as well as the role of current teaching approaches. We challenge some assumptions about what it really takes to be good at maths and explain why it’s important to explore alternative routes to understanding when children are struggling.

View the full article by Real Training here