The Dyslexia Action Postgraduate Certificates, Diploma and MEd qualifications are a unique and prestigious programme at Master’s level 7 that provides training to become informed practitioners and specialist teachers and/or assessors. This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by Dyslexia Action, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University. The courses are modular and flexible and are undertaken part-time, through online learning. Access is available 24/7 to the Virtual Learning Environment and all modules are tutor-supported through online forums.
If you do not hold a degree then please see our Level 5 CPD Pathway SpLD Teacher/Practitioner Route.
The Dyslexia Action Postgraduate Level Qualifications are appropriate for:
Prospective students will:
In order to achieve this qualification, you will have to complete the following modules:
Click here for further information and a programme syllabus.
In order to achieve this qualification, you will have to complete the following modules:
Click here for further information and a programme syllabus.
To gain the full MEd Professional Practice in Dyslexia and Literacy, you must complete 180 credits at Level 7 (Master’s Level). There are two routes available.
Click here for further information.
Have you gained a Level 5 or Level 7 SpLD Teaching Qualification within the last 5 years and want to study to become a full assessor who is also eligible to apply for an Assessment Practising Certificate (SASC)?
Click here for further information.
This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by Dyslexia Action, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University. The Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma programmes are also recognised by several professional SpLD membership bodies for accredited specialist teacher/practitioner/assessor status.
Candidates will automatically become student members of The Dyslexia Guild for the first year of their course while they are actively studying on a Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate: Specialist Teaching or Postgraduate Diploma: Specialist Assessment and Teaching Programme with Dyslexia Action. The Guild is a membership network and professional association for practitioners in Dyslexia and SpLD, which aims to promote discussion, information and best practice as well as keep members informed of developments in the field through publication and distribution of topical news, updates and maintenance of an up-to-date library.
The Guild provides its members with a wealth of information relating to dyslexia and SpLDs through its online library (the National Resource Centre for Dyslexia), a single-easy to access online platform that produces focused search results accessible by members 24/7. The library is supported by a Chartered Librarian and provides a unique, e-resource collection, covering the fields of dyslexia and other co-occurring difficulties. Participants have access to an online collection of over 800 specialist e-books, hard copy books and resources as well as simultaneous access to an online EBSCO database of over 1,600 full-text education and psychology journals.
Cost: £4,050 + VAT (apply for programme, once accepted pay in two six month instalments)
Cost: £8,100 + VAT (apply for programme, once accepted pay in four six month instalments)
Please note: professional practice assessment test costs may also apply.
Interested in applying? Please ensure you have read the syllabus document above and complete an application here.
If you have any further queries please contact
Participants currently studying with us on the Level 7 Postgraduate programme should direct enquiries to