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MEd Professional Practice in Dyslexia and Literacy

The Dyslexia Action Postgraduate Certificates, Diploma and MEd qualifications are a unique and prestigious programme at Master’s level 7 that provides training to become informed practitioners and specialist teachers and/or assessors. This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by Dyslexia Action, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University.  The courses are modular and flexible and are undertaken part-time, through online learning. Access is available 24/7 to the Virtual Learning Environment and all modules are tutor-supported through online forums.

Choose from two MEd study routes

MEd Option one

Learning Phase 1: Postgraduate Diploma – Specialist Assessment and Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties

In the first learning phase of the MEd programme, you will study with Dyslexia Action to gain 120 credits at level 7 (masters level)

Click here for further details

Once you have completed the Postgraduate Diploma – Specialist Assessment and Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties and gained your 120 credits, you are ready to move on to phase 2 of your learning journey.

Learning Phase 2: Enquiry-based SEND Practice module

In the second learning phase of the MEd programme, you will study with Real Training, completing the following module to gain an additional 60 credits at level 7 (masters level):

Click here for further details

MEd Option two

Learning Phase 1: Postgraduate Certificate – Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties

In the first learning phase of the MEd programme, you will study with Dyslexia Action to gain 60 credits at level 7 (masters level)

Click here for further details

Once you have completed both modules and gained your 60 credits, you are ready to move on to phase 2 of your learning journey.

Learning Phase 2: Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing and Dyslexia: Professional Report Writing

Complete the following two Modules with Real Training

Click the links above for further details and to apply.

Please note:

  • To enrol on the DPRW module, it is mandatory to have completed CCET/CPT3A be registered with the BPS and hold  ADG (level 7 SpLD teacher/practitioner accredited qualification) with The Dyslexia Guild or an equivalent recognised SpLD membership grade from another recognised professional body
  • M02A and M05C DO NOT lead to a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma but may be used to attain an Assessment Practising Certificate, and as contributing modules to the MEd Professional Practice in Dyslexia and Literacy
  • M02A and M05A are delivered by Real Training please click on the links above to find out more information and apply.

Learning Phase 3: Enquiry-based SEND Practice module

In the third learning phase of the MEd programme, you will study with Real Training, completing the following module to gain an additional 60 credits at level 7 (masters level):

Click here for further details

Why take this qualification?

  • The Level 7 Postgraduate programmes are designed for professionals who are passionate about supporting learners with dyslexia
  • This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by Dyslexia Action, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University  
  • Our Dyslexia Action Postgraduate programmes use the VLE Moodle. Real Training programmes will be delivered using the VLW Campus Online. Both will allow candidates to benefit from expert tutor support through forums and connect with their peers
  • Learn whilst you study, with our practice-led approach helping embed your new theoretical knowledge in your real-world circumstances. Some of the six-month modules may also require you to be involved in practical teaching and assessment whilst others are more theoretically based
  • The core curriculum is delivered by means of a range of e-learning resources. These include presentations, articles, exercises, videos and follow-up activities and tasks for participants to carry out at intervals
  • There is no attendance required for this course or expectations to be online at specific times for ‘live’ learning. This gives candidates the flexibility to organise their study time around professional and personal commitments

Exclusive access to the Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP), a comprehensive specialist literacy programme for SpLD Specialist Teachers.  DALP provides a pathway for learners with literacy difficulties of all ages, through individual placement identification.

Transfer of credits/recognition of prior learning


The Dyslexia Action Postgraduate programme is a competency-assessed course at Level 7, Master’s level, which requires tutor assessment of the candidate undertaking teaching and assessment. This means that other academic programmes that have not included competency assessment or are at a lower level (e.g. Level 5 or Level 6) will not qualify for accreditation of prior learning (APL).

For further details see: Recognition of Prior Learning

Free membership of The Dyslexia Guild

Candidates will automatically become student members of The Dyslexia Guild for the first year of their course while they are actively studying on a Postgraduate Certificate: Specialist Teaching or Postgraduate Diploma: Specialist Assessment and Teaching Programme with Dyslexia Action. The Dyslexia Guild is a membership network and professional association for practitioners in Dyslexia and SpLD, which aims to promote discussion, information and best practice as well as keep members informed of developments in the field through publication and distribution of topical news, updates and maintenance of an up-to-date library. 

The Guild provides its members with a wealth of information relating to dyslexia and SpLDs through its online library (the National Resource Centre for Dyslexia), a single-easy to access online platform that produces focused search results accessible by members 24/7. The library is supported by a Chartered Librarian and provides a unique, e-resource collection, covering the fields of dyslexia and other co-occurring difficulties. Participants have access to an online collection of over 800 specialist e-books, hard copy books and resources as well as simultaneous access to an online EBSCO database of over 1,600 full-text education and psychology journals.

Assessment Practising Certificate

What is an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)?

The Department for Education (DfE) requires that specialist teachers or support tutors who undertake specialist assessments in post-16 schools, colleges, universities, workplace training establishments and local authority assessment centres are competent and qualified to do so.

An APC is effectively a licence to practise. It confirms that you have the appropriate qualifications to undertake full diagnostic assessments and that your professional practice is up-to-date and has been externally verified as continuing to meet defined competence standards. 

The Dyslexia Guild is an APC awarding body issuing Assessment Practising Certificates on behalf of the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC).

Either of the above two routes is eligible for an application of an APC. For further details click here

Please note: it is not mandatory to achieve the Enquiry-based SEND Practice module to be eligible to apply for an APC.

Start dates, fees and how to book

Route One 

Learning Phase 1: Postgraduate Diploma – Specialist Assessment and Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties 

  • Duration: 24 months 
  • Start dates, fees and how to book can be found here

Learning Phase 2: Enquiry-based SEND Practice module

  • Duration: 12 months
  • Start dates, fees and how to book can be found here

Route Two

Learning Phase 1: Postgraduate Certificate – Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties

  • Duration: 12 months
  • Start dates, fees and how to book can be found here

Learning Phase 2: Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing and Dyslexia: Professional Report Writing

Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing
  • Duration: Up to 12 months 
  • Start dates, fees and how to book can be found here
Dyslexia: Professional Report Writing
  • Duration: 12 months
  • Start dates, fees and how to book can be found here

Learning Phase 3: Enquiry-based SEND Practice module

  • Duration: 12 months
  • Start dates, fees and how to book can be found here

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01784 222 304

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