Level 4 – unit courses are mapped against the Ofqual Level Descriptors[1] as follows:
Level 4
Knowledge descriptor (the holder…)
- Has practical, theoretical, or technological knowledge and understanding of a subject or field of work to address problems that are well defined but complex and non-routine.
- Can analyse, interpret, and evaluate relevant information and ideas.
- Is aware of the nature of the approximate scope of the area of study or work.
- Has an informed awareness of different perspectives or approaches within the area of study or work.
Skills Descriptor (the holder can…)
- Identify, adapt, and use appropriate cognitive and practical skills to inform actions and address problems that are complex and non-routine while normally fairly well-defined.
- Review the effectiveness and appropriateness of methods, actions, and results.
For comparison, typical Level 4 qualifications include Higher National Certificates and Certificates of Higher Education. Level 4 broadly equates to year one of an undergraduate programme.
For further details on qualification levels see:
Qualifications can cross boundaries
What qualification levels mean
[1] Ofqual 15/5774 (2015) Qualification and Component Levels: Requirements and Guidance for All Awarding Organisations and All Qualifications