The Department for Education (DfE) requires that specialist teachers or support tutors who undertake specialist assessments are competent and qualified to do so.
Watch our short video ‘How to Become a Dyslexia Assessor: A simple guide’.
Changes to legislation in 2019 mean that any diagnostic report written at any time by an APC holder can be used to apply for DSA. This means that reports now have a longer lifespan and those commissioning a report may expect to use this report over a longer period and for several purposes. Details can be found on the SASC website.
Study and gain the Dyslexia Action Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma – Specialist Assessment and Teaching for Literacy-Related DifficultiesIn order to achieve this qualification, you will have to complete the following modules (two years study):
Clickhere for further information and a programme brochure.
To follow this pathway route you should already hold either a Level 5 SpLD teacher/practitioner or a Level 7 SpLD teacher/practitioner qualification (if over 5 years old) which is eligible for Associate (ADG) membership of The Dyslexia Guild or equivalent membership with a recognised professional body, plus:
Real Training’s Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET)
Real Training’s Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A) this course meets the requirements set out by the JCQ which covers access arrangements and form 8s.
Hold current registration with the British Psychological Society Register of Qualifications in Test Use (BPS RQTU) as Test User.
In addition to the above requirements you would also need to gain:
Real Training’s Dyslexia – Professional Report Writing Course (DPRW)
Please note to enrol in the DPRW module, it is mandatory to have completed CCET or CPT3A, be registered with the BPS and hold Associate (ADG) membership with The Dyslexia Guild, ATS/APS with the British Dyslexia Association or Associate membership with PATOSS.
To follow this pathway route you should already hold a Level 7 SpLD teacher/practitioner qualification (under 5 years old) which is eligible for Associate (ADG) membership of The Dyslexia Guild or equivalent membership with a recognised professional body, plus:
Gain Dyslexia Action Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate – Specialist Assessment for Literacy-Related Difficulties
In order to achieve this qualification, you will have the option to complete the following modules you will have to hold the above, plus:
Click here to visit the Level 7 programme page and view the programme brochure noting the following:
If you are applying for the Postgraduate Certificate Specialist Assessment for Literacy-Related Difficulties (modules 03 and 04 only) you must first clarify you have the correct entry criteria BEFORE you can apply. If you have not had this confirmed please contact in the first instance including a copy of your SpLD certificate awarding you recognition of prior learning for Modules 01 and 02.
If you already hold Real Training’s Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) or Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A) and hold current registration with the British Psychological Society Register of Qualifications in Test Use (BPS RQTU) as Test User you can follow option two above