The Department for Education (DfE) requires that specialist teachers or support tutors who undertake specialist assessments are competent and qualified to do so.
Changes to legislation in 2019 mean that any diagnostic report written at any time by an APC holder can be used to apply for DSA. This means that reports now have a longer lifespan and those commissioning a report may expect to use this report over a longer period and for several purposes. Details can be found on the SASC website
The Dyslexia Guild is an SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) awarding body issuing Assessment Practising Certificates on behalf of the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC).
Watch our short video ‘How to Become a Dyslexia Assessor: A simple guide’.
An APC is effectively a licence to practise. It confirms that you have the appropriate qualifications to undertake full diagnostic assessments and that your professional practice is up-to-date and has been externally verified as continuing to meet defined competence standards.
The APC Certificate is issued for three years and confirms that you have the knowledge, skills and competences to assess the detailed requirements of individuals with dyslexia/SpLD.
An Assessment Practising Certificate is a quality assurance standard ensuring that qualified assessors work within the rigorous regulations, are up to date with changes and best practice within each facet of psychological assessment and report writing. It is a standard that is highly respected by clients, employers, organisations and other professionals.
Full application and eligibility requirements can be found in the brochure above. To obtain an APC:
Please note: it is not currently possible to use the Level 7 (Postgraduate) Certificate: Teaching for Maths-Related Difficulties in the pathway to gaining an APC (maybe be subject to change). Please see the SASC website for further details relating to maths qualifications.
The above requirements are essential and must be met PRIOR to making an application, please read the brochure to ensure you are prepared before making an application.
Other useful documents:
If you have any further queries after reading the detailed brochure above please email the APC Administrator at or call the direct line on 01784-222342
You can now apply or renew your Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) online, see routes below:
Ensure your Guild membership is current.
For information regarding APC re-submissions and costs please contact the APC team at
Please note:
1.Your application process will not start until all fees are paid in full (if your organisation are paying for your application you must ensure that they pay the fee in a timely manner, your application process will not begin until payment has been received)
2.Dyslexia Action fees are the same as all three APC issuing bodies which are set by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC) and are detailed below
3.All fees include a charge for registration on the SASC website for the life of the APC certificate (three years).
Thank you for sending through detailed feedback on my submission. May I take this opportunity to thank Dyslexia Action for providing thorough feedback on my two APC submissions.