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Training to become a Specialist SpLD Teacher/Practitioner

Specialist SpLD Teacher/Practitioner

Become a Specialist SpLD Teacher/ Practitioner
at Level 5 or Level 7

Dyslexia Action offers three routes to becoming a specialist SpLD teacher/practitioner.

Please note the following important information

  • You can opt to study either one of the level 5 diploma routes or the level 7 Certificate route. You do not have to complete the level 5 teaching route before moving to the level 7 teaching certificate if you meet the entry requirements for level 7 in the first instance
  • The level 5 diploma does not carry masters university credits so if you wish to complete a full MEd (180 masters credits) in the future you should opt for the level 7 route rather than the level 5
  • You can only refer to yourself as a specialist teacher if you already hold a teaching qualification, if not you would refer to yourself as a specialist practitioner.

Before you select your route to becoming a specialist SpLD teacher/practitioner it’s worth taking a look at our video below.

Which Level SpLD Teaching programme should I choose level 5 or level 7?

What is the Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP)?

Whilst studying on either of our Level 5 or Level 7 SpLD Teaching programmes, participants will gain access to the unique resources of the Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP).

What is DALP?

The Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP) is a comprehensive specialist literacy programme for SpLD specialist teachers/practitioners. The programme has been developed by the postgraduate tutor team at Dyslexia Action; it provides a pathway, for learners with literacy difficulties of all ages, through individual placement identification.

DALP builds upon previous works by Orton, Gillingham and Stillman, Cox, Hickey, the Dyslexia Institute (Literacy Programme – DILP) and Hornsby, which all promoted the concept of structured, cumulative learning. Using this as a central tenet, The Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP) brings metacognitive learning and the development of metalinguistic awareness to the forefront which, with the placement process as the underpinning strand of the specialist literacy support scheme, enables the practitioner to further extend their reach to those with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.

Level 5 Diploma in Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties (DIST) route for non-graduates

  • For non-graduates and graduates
  • Who have at least one year of recent and relevant experience in a school or college setting working with learners with literacy difficulties/dyslexia/SpLD
  • Who work in Primary/Secondary, those supporting adults or those based overseas
  • Those who can commit to 3-5 (notional) hours of study per week in the first year, and 13 (notional) hours study in the second year
  • Please note, this qualification does not carry level 7 masters credits so cannot be used towards an MEd in the future
  • Part one runs six times a year in September, November, January, March, May and July.  Part two runs three times a year in November, March and June

Click here for further information, a programme brochure and how to apply.

Level 5 Diploma in Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties (DIST) Graduate route

  • For graduates holding a degree qualification (foundation degrees are not eligible)
  • Who have at least two years recent and relevant experience in a school or college setting working with learners with literacy difficulties/dyslexia/SpLD
  • Who work in Primary/Secondary, those supporting adults or those based overseas
  • Who can commit to 13 (notional) hours of study per week for one year
  • Please note, this qualification does not carry level 7 masters credits so cannot be used towards an MEd in the future but can be used in the pathway to gaining an APC
  • Courses run three times a year in September, January and April

Click here for further information, a programme brochure and how to apply.

Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate: Specialist Teaching for Literacy-Related Difficulties

  • For graduates holding a degree qualification (foundation degrees are not eligible)
  • Who have at least two years recent and relevant experience in a school or college setting working with learners with literacy difficulties/dyslexia/SpLD
  • Who can commit to 15-20 (notional) hours of study per week for one year
  • This qualification carries level 7 masters credits so can be used towards an MEd and also be used in the pathway to gaining an APC
  • Courses run twice a year in October and April

Click here for further information, a programme brochure and how to apply.


The Level 5 Diploma (DIST) and the Level 7 Teaching Certificate confer eligibility for Associate Membership of The Dyslexia Guild (ADG) recognised as the first grade of professional membership for a Specialist SpLD Teacher/Practitioner.

The Level 5 Diploma is accredited by The CPD Standards Office (subject to accreditation). The Level 7 Certificate is validated by Middlesex University

The Level 5 Diploma is also accredited by the British Dyslexia Association (subject to accreditation) for Approved Teacher Status or Approved Practitioner Status (ATS/APS) and PATOSS for Associate membership (the Level 7 Teaching Certificate is subject to approval by the British Dyslexia Association).

Our Level 4 and 5 CPD programme is approved by The CPD Standards Office and you receive a certificate from Dyslexia Action upon completion.

Progression to become a full assessor

After completing a specialist teaching programme at Level 5 or Level 7 you will have the option to continue your studies to become an assessor at Level 7 who is able to apply for an Assessment Practising Certificate APC (15-20 hours of study a week). See this page for more details.

What is an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)?

The Department for Education (DfE) requires that specialist teachers or support tutors who undertake specialist assessments in post-16 schools, colleges, universities, workplace training establishments and local authority assessment centres are competent and qualified to do so.

An APC is effectively a licence to practise. It confirms that you have the appropriate qualifications to undertake full diagnostic assessments and that your professional practice is up-to-date and has been externally verified as continuing to meet defined competence standards. 

The Dyslexia Guild is an APC awarding body issuing Assessment Practising Certificates on behalf of the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC).

Either of the above two route options are eligible for an application of an APC. For further details click here

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01784 222 304

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