Level 5 Diploma CPD Pathway booking
Julie TrisnanPlease note: Participants are not able to enrol directly for the Level 5 Diploma in Strategic Teaching Support for Dyslexia and Literacy (DADIP61) instead, they enrol for one of the Pathway Certificates and the Level 5 Certificate in Strategic Teaching Support for Dyslexia and Literacy (DACRT60) that combine to make the Diploma.
Part one: Select one of the Certificate Pathways
Literacy CPD Pathway DACRT51 (Primary/Secondary)
Supporting Adults CPD Pathway DACRT56 for those working in FE/HE and supporting adults
International Pathway DACRT67 for those working overseas
Part two:
Once you have completed one of the Pathway Certificates you can register for the Level 5 Certificate in Strategic Teaching Support for Dyslexia and Literacy (DACRT60)