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Unit in Developing Writing Skills in Adults with Dyslexia – (DACPD93)

Enhance your knowledge with our Developing Writing Skills in Adults with Dyslexia short online course

Our short CPD course will show you how to extend the writing skills of learners in post-16 and other adult settings. You’ll increase understanding of the sub-skills involved in the writing process, as well as the particular barriers that can be faced by post-16 learners. You will gain hands on experience of developing strategies and approaches that can improve writing proficiency, particularly for learners with dyslexia.

Why study Developing Writing Skills in Adults with Dyslexia?

By completing this unit, you will be able to:

1. Identify how learners typically acquire and develop writing skills

2. Identify the impact of dyslexia on the acquisition and development of writing skills

3. Evaluate the writing skills of an adult with dyslexia

4. Demonstrate understanding of writing strategies that can assist adults with dyslexia.

At a glance

100% online training
Access anywhere
No live delivery
Developed by education professionals
Tutor support through online forums


CPD Standards Office Accredited
Level 5, mapped against Ofqual level descriptors
30 hours of self-paced study, over 8 weeks
Set start and assignment submission dates
Delivered through our Campus Online platform

Student smiling with teacher

Who is the Developing Writing Skills in Adults course suitable for?

This unit is suitable for those working with adults with dyslexia and literacy difficulties and is appropriate to a variety of settings. You must have at least one year’s recent and relevant experience and be qualified to Level 3 (A Level or equivalent qualifications).

Please note: we reserve the right to request information in support of your application. Support assistants should identify a senior member of teaching staff within the organisation to act as your mentor during this course.

How is the course delivered?

Our courses are delivered through Campus Online, our unique online learning platform.

Campus Online allows you to study at your own pace, without the need to travel, or commit to particular dates or times. You’ll log in to access your study materials, contact your tutor for support, and connect and network with other delegates.

What is the cost?

£295 + VAT

  • Payments by debit/credit card should be made online at the time of registration
  • If you or your organisation require an invoice upfront there is an additional admin charge of £25 + VAT. A purchase order number (if applicable) and finance contact name, address, email and phone number will be required at the time of registration

There are no additional costs for International delegates.

When can I start and how can I book?

This CPD course runs six times a year with start dates in September, November, January, March, May and July. Please click on the date below to make a booking.

  • 21 May 2025 If you require an invoice upfront (pay later option) the closing date is 7 May, or 14 May if paying by debit/credit card at the time of registration
    The submission deadline for this cohort is 16 July 2025.
  • 23 July 2025 (Submission deadline: 17 September 2025)
  • 24 September 2025 (Submission deadline: 19 November 2025)

Study this course as part of an Award

This unit contributes to the following Award:

  • The Level 5 CPD Award in Learning Support for Adults with Dyslexia – book the Award here.

By booking three set units as an Award, you will save £30

What do our delegates say about our Developing Writing Skills in Adults course?

“This has been my favourite unit so far with Dyslexia Action. Growing up I had a dislike of writing, so I understand the feeling of dread that can come with writing assignments. It was really great to learn about all the strategies that can help a young person who is feeling the same way. The writing checklist is a fantastic tool that can be adapted for use with my students. I will be laminating it and adding it to my office wall! The resources in this course also provided excellent tips for reducing distractions, including how apps like Zenpen can be used. I’ll be encouraging my students to use these tools.” Emma Austin

“The courses are a valuable way to focus on aspects of your teaching practice and reflect on different approaches.” Cal Walters-Davies

“This writing course was excellent, all the portfolio assignments were very interesting and I learnt a lot – thank you Dyslexia Action for another great course!” Nathalie Senat van Dijk

Dyslexia CPD delivered through our practice-led approach

This unit is comprised of three study cycles, each of which includes a Study, Practice, Reflect, and Collaborate section. There are also associated practical tasks, with reference to current research and case studies.

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01784 222 304

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‘A guide to our accredited CPD Programme: